Tools + Resources


Slack Channel FAQs_FINAL.pdf

Learn more about MGN's new collaboration tool, the messaging app Slack.

DAY 1 | Updating the MGN Problem of Practice

DAY 1: Updating the MGN Problem of Practice

DAY 1 | CPS Equity Office Resources

Click to view the latest version of the CPS Equity Framework

CPS Equity Office Presentation

Day 1 presentation from CPS Equity Office. Links to videos and resources referenced during the session are included in the presentation.

200803 Liberatory Thinking MGN

Liberatory Thinking Tool

Self-assessment tool to understand where you are when it comes to Liberatory Thinking dimension of the Equity Lens. This link is temporary but will be updated in the presentation when removed.

Liberatory Thinking Interactive.pdf

Day 2 | Breakout Group One-Pagers

Curated tools to support testing your change ideas that are categorized by relationship type.


GiveThx 1-Pager.pdf
TAGS: Student-Student, Student-Educator


Kelvin Flyer.pdf
TAGS: Student-Student, Student-Educator, Family-School


TAGS: Student-Educator, Family-School

Day 2 | Relationship drivers

Understand why each relationship type is important, potential change ideas, and additional resources for building/strengthening each type of relationship.

MGN Guide - Positive Peer Relationships.pdf

Peer - Peer

MGN Guide - Educator-Student Relationship.pdf

Student - Educator

MGN Guide - Strengthening Family School Relationships.pdf

Family - School

Day 2 | Change Idea Carousel

Tool for the network-wide ideation activity

MGN Change Idea Carousel

Day 2 | Feedback Forum By School

Tool to give feedback to schools about their initial change idea.

DAY 2: Feedback Forum by School

DAY 3: If you really knew us...

Please make a copy to complete.